How to Use Geo-targeting on

Geo-targeting is a response to geo-location according to IP addresses. Having identified user locations, relevant content is served. Conduct tests on how different locations may create some interesting insights. For example, which content drives more conversion from Germany: the content in English or German? Compare the results when redirecting Germans to the English content versus German content.

Note that users prefer to visit a relevant website page without specifying his or her location manually. That means it is best for you to define the users' IP to redirect visitors to the relevant content automatically. For example, if promoting tickets for a music show, redirect visitors at once to the appropriate web page: California visitors have to check the number of available tickets in California; Florida visitors - in Florida.

That's where comes in handy. With the geo-targeting feature, users are redirected to the relevant webpages based on the location. Redirecting technology is so advanced that you can allocate users not only by countries but also by regions. It means that users of two different areas will face two separate webpages. Convenient, right?

How to Customize Geo-targeting on

Note: Country targeting is available in the Personal Plan ($20) and region targeting in the Team Plan ($50).

Imagine that you have a task: American citizens from Florida, Chinese, and Germans have to follow one URL but face three different web pages with the various content. How do you complete that kind of magic?

  1. Go to your account.
  2. Shorten a needed link.
  3. From the left side of the pop-up window, select the "Geo-targeting" tab.
  4. In the country tab, choose America. In the region tab, choose Florida. Then paste a link where users will be redirected after clicking. Click Add.
  5. Choose China and paste a link. Click Add.
  6. Choose Germany and paste a link. Click Add.

That's all. Now use the shortened URL in promotional materials and be sure that visitors will be redirected to the relevant content.

Watch the video guide below to customize the geo-targeting correctly.

What did you learn?

  • redirects based on location;
  • geographical allocation;
  • determine the geo-location;
  • url shortener to target audience geographically;
  • marketing methods;

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