<![CDATA[Short.io Blog]]> https://blog.short.io/https://blog.short.io/favicon.pngShort.io Bloghttps://blog.short.io/Ghost 5.82Tue, 23 Apr 2024 08:54:29 GMT60<![CDATA[How to Make a Custom Link Preview]]>Turning your typical, short links into links with custom previews shouldn’t be difficult. Unfortunately, for those who don’t have the right software, it could prove challenging. Worry not; we have the link shortener for you. 

Short.io provides a way for you to transform your

https://blog.short.io/how-to-make-a-custom-link-preview/661cf1ac4421420001b8db1aMon, 15 Apr 2024 09:32:47 GMT

Turning your typical, short links into links with custom previews shouldn’t be difficult. Unfortunately, for those who don’t have the right software, it could prove challenging. Worry not; we have the link shortener for you. 

Short.io provides a way for you to transform your links! Here’s a quick tutorial on how you can turn ordinary links into links with custom previews: 

  1. Log into your Short.io account. (If you don’t have one, create one. It’s free!) 
  2. Shorten a link. 
  3. Click the ellipsis tab and then select Open Graph Metadata
How to Make a Custom Link Preview


  1. Fill in the required fields. 
How to Make a Custom Link Preview


  1. Click Save

See, it's as simple as that. In just five easy steps, you can transform your standard links into more visual and current URLs. Don't hesitate to give it a try and see the difference it makes! 

Imagine you're scrolling through your social media feed, and amidst the myriad of posts, a visually striking link preview catches your eye. The preview's design, messaging, and overall appeal influence your split-second decision to click or scroll past.  

Mastering the art of custom link previews is not just a trend; it's a necessity. So, let's highlight their significant impact on brand visibility, user engagement, and more.  

Understanding these benefits will surely inspire you to take action. 

Improved Branding 

How to Make a Custom Link Preview

 Custom link previews play a crucial role in reinforcing brand identity. They serve as visual ambassadors of a company's ethos and values. For instance, consider Nike's meticulous attention to detail in crafting custom link previews across social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.  

Each preview prominently features Nike's iconic swoosh logo and signature color palette, ensuring consistent brand representation regardless of the platform. As a result, users encountering these previews instantly connect with Nike's esteemed brand, fostering a sense of familiarity, trust, and loyalty.  

This steadfast adherence to brand aesthetics across diverse touchpoints underscores the significance of custom link previews in amplifying brand recognition. Customers tend to trust what seems familiar. And when custom link previews continuously show your logo, they’ll be happy to trust a familiar brand.  

Increased Click-Through Rates (CTRs) 

How to Make a Custom Link Preview

Want to increase your click-through rates? Custom link previews are a potent tool for enhancing click-through rates (CTRs), primarily due to their ability to captivate and entice users.  

When you incorporate visually compelling imagery, intriguing titles, and concise descriptions, custom previews stand out amidst the sea of content, grabbing users' attention and prompting them to take action.  

Moreover, custom link previews allow businesses to tailor their messaging to specific audience segments or promotional campaigns, further increasing the content's relevance and appeal.  

As a result, the likelihood of users engaging with the content and converting into customers is significantly heightened, making custom link previews an invaluable asset for maximizing CTRs and driving business growth. 

Enhanced Engagement 

How to Make a Custom Link Preview

Custom link previews also offer viewers a tantalizing glimpse into the content awaiting them, effectively piquing their interest.  

For instance, imagine a travel agency sharing a link to a blog post showcasing exotic destinations. Alongside an enchanting image of a pristine beach, the preview includes a teaser description evoking the allure of adventure and exploration.  

This carefully curated preview entices users to click through to the complete article and may even encourage them to participate actively by sharing their travel experiences in the comments section.  

The custom link preview transforms a passive browsing experience into a dynamic community interaction by facilitating this exchange of personal anecdotes and recommendations.  

Through such engagement, users feel a sense of connection with the content and fellow travelers, enhancing their overall experience and deepening their affinity with the travel agency's brand. 

Message Reinforcement 

How to Make a Custom Link Preview

Establishing a solid and memorable brand identity is paramount to creating a lasting and reputable brand. To achieve this, we need consistency.  

Custom link previews serve as a seamless extension of this branding strategy, enabling businesses to maintain coherence and alignment across various marketing channels.  

For instance, a clothing brand may use custom link previews featuring holiday-themed photoshoots accompanied by enticing discounts or gift guides. This cohesive approach not only amplifies the promotional campaign's impact but also cultivates a sense of trust and reliability among consumers.  

Businesses can effectively engage their audience and drive conversions during vital promotional periods by leveraging custom link previews to showcase consistent themes and objectives of their marketing initiatives. 

Social Media Optimization 

How to Make a Custom Link Preview

Customizing link previews for each social media platform helps businesses tailor their content to match user preferences. By adjusting content and formatting to fit platform nuances, businesses can increase the chances of resonating with users and driving desired actions like clicks or shares.  

For example, on Instagram, a visually-driven platform, businesses may focus on using high-quality images or videos in their link previews to grab users' attention as they scroll through their feeds.  

Meanwhile, on Twitter, where brevity is key, crafting concise and intriguing preview text can entice users to click on the link for more information.  

Optimizing for platform requirements such as image dimensions ensures content displays correctly, capturing users' attention effectively. This strategic approach enhances user experience, leading to higher engagement and better results. 

Increasing Shareability 

How to Make a Custom Link Preview

At the heart of social media lies the power of sharing. Custom link previews not only make your content more appealing to click on but also encourage users to share it with their networks. Let's say a nonprofit organization shares a link to a donation page.  

By customizing the preview with impactful imagery and a compelling call-to-action, the organization not only increases the likelihood of donations but also encourages supporters to share the link with their friends and followers, amplifying its reach and impact. 

Short.io and Your Brand 

If you’re looking for a partner who can help you establish an online presence, then Short.io is perfect for you. With impressive features like link retargeting, detailed statistics, deep links, and more, you’re sure to garner the exposure your brand deserves! Check out Short.io to see how we can help your brand flourish! 

<![CDATA[How to Create Links That Expire After a Number of Clicks]]>Setting up links to expire and automatically redirect to another link when it’s reached a certain number of clicks can be daunting. Without the proper software, it can even be incredibly difficult.

Fortunately, link-shortening services like Short.io make it easy, even for beginners! Here’s how

https://blog.short.io/how-to-create-links-that-expire-after-a-number-of-clicks/660e120ee414e8000152ec07Thu, 04 Apr 2024 02:59:23 GMT

Setting up links to expire and automatically redirect to another link when it’s reached a certain number of clicks can be daunting. Without the proper software, it can even be incredibly difficult.

Fortunately, link-shortening services like Short.io make it easy, even for beginners! Here’s how to do it: 

  • Log into your Short.io account. (If you don’t have one, create one. It’s free!) 
  • Shorten a link. 
  • Click the Temporary URL option. (It will look like a clock.) 
How to Create Links That Expire After a Number of Clicks
  • Place the number of clicks you want before expiry. 
How to Create Links That Expire After a Number of Clicks
  • Paste the URL to which visitors will be redirected after the link expires. 
  • Click Save

With this feature, you can create a limited link that will automatically expire after a certain number of clicks. This will ensure that your link is truly limited in number, allowing you to keep the number of visitors to the link at your selected value.

Many websites prefer to have as much traffic as possible, so it's often counterintuitive to add a limit to a specific link. However, there is a place and time to use expiring links, so let's explore when and why you should use them.

How to Create Links That Expire After a Number of Clicks
Photo by Dan Nelson / Unsplash

One primary benefit of expiring links is the ability to control the lifespan of content, thereby eliminating the risk of overexposure. By setting an expiration date or click limit, content creators can ensure that their links remain relevant and impactful within a specified timeframe.  

Short.io's expiring links also offer valuable feature-granular control over access to your content or resources. By tying availability to the number of clicks, you can ensure that your content is seen by the right people at the right time.  

This feature is particularly useful in scenarios where limited distribution is desired, such as exclusive promotions, time-sensitive offers, or restricted content. You can effectively manage access by monitoring click counts and adjusting expiration parameters while maximizing engagement and conversion rates. 

For instance, imagine a software company offering a free trial of its latest product. The company can create an expiring link with a limited number of clicks, ensuring that only a predetermined number of users can access the trial.  

This targeted approach not only helps manage server load but also ensures that the trial is reserved for genuinely interested prospects. 

Protection Against Bot Traffic 

How to Create Links That Expire After a Number of Clicks

Bot traffic poses a significant threat to online content integrity and analytics accuracy. Expiring links act as a deterrent to automated bots by restricting the number of clicks allowed.  

Consider a promotional campaign where a company shares a limited-time offer link across social media platforms. Without expiration controls, bots could artificially inflate click counts, skewing the campaign's performance metrics and potentially exhausting resources allocated for genuine users. 

When you limit access, these links effectively reduce the impact of bot-driven activity, preserving valuable bandwidth and resources for genuine users. The prevalence of bot traffic can skew analytics data, making it challenging to gauge content campaigns' true performance and impact.  

Curbing bot activity through expiring links helps organizations gain more accurate insights into user behavior, engagement patterns, and conversion metrics. This enhanced visibility enables informed decision-making and optimization strategies for future campaigns. 

Compliance and Regulation 

How to Create Links That Expire After a Number of Clicks

Ensuring compliance with data protection laws is paramount in an era of heightened privacy concerns and regulatory scrutiny. Expiring links proactively safeguard user privacy by limiting access to sensitive content or personal information.  

When we set expiration parameters, organizations can align their practices with privacy regulations such as GDPR (The General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018), mitigating the risk of unauthorized data exposure. 

Link expiration is a proactive measure to uphold data protection standards and minimize the risk of data breaches. By automatically deactivating links after a predetermined period, organizations can prevent unauthorized access to confidential or sensitive information.  

This enhances security and instills trust among users, demonstrating a commitment to safeguarding their data. 

Maintain Content Relevance 

How to Create Links That Expire After a Number of Clicks

The rapid pace of content creation and dissemination can often lead to outdated information being circulated.  

Expiring links solve this challenge by ensuring that linked content remains current and relevant. By setting expiration parameters, creators can proactively manage content freshness and prevent users from accessing outdated or inaccurate information. 

By setting expiration parameters, creators can proactively manage content freshness, preventing users from accessing outdated or inaccurate information. 

Expired links prevent users from inadvertently accessing obsolete or deprecated content. This protects the integrity of the information being shared and enhances the user experience by directing them to the most up-to-date resources.  

Organizations can maintain content relevance and ensure a seamless user journey by regularly reviewing and updating expiration settings. 

How to Create Links That Expire After a Number of Clicks

Link rot, characterized by the degradation or disappearance of web content over time, poses a significant challenge to online content accessibility and usability. Expiring links, which automatically deactivate after a predefined number of clicks, offer a proactive solution to this problem.  

This solution helps reduce the incidence of broken links and ensures a consistent user experience across digital platforms. 

Expiring links also contribute to a more seamless and reliable user experience by mitigating the risk of link rot. Users can trust that the links they encounter will lead to active and relevant content, enhancing their overall satisfaction and engagement.  

Additionally, preserving link integrity fosters trust and credibility, reinforcing the brand's reputation and authority within the digital landscape. 

Do More With Short.io 

Short.io has been providing link-shortening services for almost a decade. With an established and satisfied clientele and budget-friendly options, Short.io is the ideal partner for all your link-related needs. Whether it be Geotargeting, A/B Testing, Deep Links, etc., Short.io is ready to be your go-to shortener! 

Check out Short.io, which has a list of features to start building and improving your brand! 

<![CDATA[How to Create a Short Link With an AI-Generated Slug]]>Traditionally, a slug refers to the tail end of a URL that identifies a specific page or resource on a website. It typically consists of characters from the linked page's title or content. However, the process of generating slugs has evolved with the advent of AI technology. 

https://blog.short.io/how-to-create-a-short-link-with-an-ai-generated-slug/660475f7b7c58400017f18b4Wed, 27 Mar 2024 19:52:05 GMT

Traditionally, a slug refers to the tail end of a URL that identifies a specific page or resource on a website. It typically consists of characters from the linked page's title or content. However, the process of generating slugs has evolved with the advent of AI technology.  

AI-generated slugs utilize algorithms to analyze a webpage's content and generate a concise, relevant string of characters that serves as a unique identifier for the link.  

This automated approach ensures that the resulting slugs are short, memorable, and optimized for readability and search engine indexing. 

Several link-shortening services offer AI-generated slugs; however, the challenge is finding the right one to do it for you. To avoid the exploitation of your data, you must choose a reputable shortener with an established clientele. 

For anything related to links, we’re confident with Short.io. With them, AI-generated slugs are ridiculously easy to make. Here’s how you can do it: 

  1. Log into your Short.io account. (If you don’t have one, create one. It’s free) 
  2. Click Domain Settings
How to Create a Short Link With an AI-Generated Slug


  1. Scroll down until you see the Enable AI-powered link generation checkbox. 
How to Create a Short Link With an AI-Generated Slug


  1. Click the checkbox and click Save
  2. Head back to the Dashboard and paste your URL. 
How to Create a Short Link With an AI-Generated Slug


You now have access to the AI-generated link slug, and it only took five easy steps! 

How to Create a Short Link With an AI-Generated Slug
Photo by Hitesh Choudhary / Unsplash

While you may think that a generic slug with random characters is good enough for your purposes, you're actually missing out on a lot of potential. A customized URL slug will make your link more memorable and clickable.

However, while creating a customized slug is quick and easy for one link, doing it for hundreds, if not thousands, of links is just impossible. So, here's how an AI-generated short link slug will improve your short links.

Increased Click-Through Rates (CTRs) 

How to Create a Short Link With an AI-Generated Slug
Photo by Stephen Dawson / Unsplash

What’s so great about AI-generated links? Research has shown that shorter URLs tend to attract higher click-through rates (CTRs) than lengthy, convoluted ones. This is because concise URLs are easier to read, share, and remember, making them more appealing to web users.  

AI-generated slugs offer a solution to creating short URLs by automatically condensing lengthy links into compact, user-friendly formats, thereby maximizing CTRs and driving traffic to targeted web pages. 

Beyond reducing character count, AI-generated slugs contribute to the URLs' overall aesthetic appeal and readability. By analyzing the linked page's content and selecting relevant keywords or phrases, AI algorithms generate short but meaningful and descriptive slugs.  

This improves the user experience by providing precise and contextually relevant links, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.  

Additionally, aesthetically pleasing URLs are more likely to be shared on social media platforms and incorporated into marketing channels, further amplifying their impact on brand visibility and awareness. 

Better User Experience 

How to Create a Short Link With an AI-Generated Slug
Photo by Taras Shypka / Unsplash

In an era dominated by mobile devices and on-the-go browsing, convenience is critical for user experience. Long, cumbersome URLs can be cumbersome to type, especially on small touch screens, leading to user frustration and potential abandonment.  

By utilizing AI-generated slugs to create short, memorable URLs, businesses can optimize the user experience and remove barriers to engagement.  

Whether sharing links in marketing campaigns, social media posts, or email newsletters, the ability to quickly recall and enter a URL increases the likelihood of user interaction and conversion. 

Long URLs also detract from a message's overall aesthetic and clarity. AI-generated slugs offer a solution to this problem by condensing URLs into concise, visually appealing links that seamlessly integrate into digital content.  

Shortened URLs enhance the user experience across various online platforms by reducing clutter and improving visual flow. 

Improved Tracking and Analytics 

How to Create a Short Link With an AI-Generated Slug
Photo by Luke Chesser / Unsplash

Measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and online content is essential for optimizing strategies and maximizing ROI. However, tracking the performance of long, complex URLs can be challenging, particularly across multiple channels and platforms.  

AI-generated slugs simplify this process by providing a clear and standardized format for tracking link engagement and conversion metrics.  

URL shortening services and CMS (Content Management System) platforms offer built-in analytics tools that allow marketers to gain valuable insights into user behavior and campaign performance, enabling data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement. 

Additionally, AI-powered analytics tools can identify trends and opportunities for optimization, empowering marketers to adapt and evolve their strategies in real time. 

Branding and Customization 

How to Create a Short Link With an AI-Generated Slug
Photo by Patrik Michalicka / Unsplash

Consistency in branding is paramount for building consumer recognition and trust. AI-generated slugs offer marketers the flexibility to customize URLs to align with brand messaging and campaign objectives.  

Businesses can incorporate branded keywords, campaign hashtags, or product identifiers to create unique and memorable slugs that reinforce brand identity and resonate with their target audience.  

This cohesive approach to link branding enhances brand visibility and recall, driving brand awareness and affinity over time. Plus, due to its brevity, a concise URL can be paired with a brand's elements, like its name, logo, or tagline, to subtly reinforce the brand's identity. 

This strategy works across different platforms, such as social media, emails, ads, etc., gradually building solid associations with the brand in consumers' minds, which can enhance trust and loyalty over time. 

Scalability and Automation 

How to Create a Short Link With an AI-Generated Slug
Photo by Joshua Sortino / Unsplash

For businesses operating at scale, manually creating custom slugs for every URL can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. AI-generated slugs offer a scalable solution to this challenge by automating the slug generation process based on predefined rules and parameters.  

Whether creating hundreds or thousands of links for a marketing campaign or website migration, AI algorithms can swiftly generate unique slugs that meet specific criteria, such as keyword relevance, character length, and brand compliance.  

This efficiency enables businesses to execute large-scale initiatives quickly and precisely without sacrificing quality or consistency. 

Beyond initial slug generation, AI-powered platforms offer automation capabilities for link creation and management tasks. From scheduling link expiration dates to monitoring performance metrics and more. 

Keep Up With the Marketing Trends—Use Short.io 

AI-generated links are a fairly new marketing strategy that has served marketing campaigns well. If you want even more powerful and impressive link-related features, check out Short.io. It has some of the latest marketing technologies that can help you navigate marketing in the digital era! 

<![CDATA[How to Create Short Links With 301, 302, 307, 308 Status]]>With the right link shortener, creating short links with a 301, 302, 307, or 308 status is easy. If you’ve found a reputable shortener with a happy and established clientele, you should have no problem setting this up. With Short.io, it only takes five easy steps. 

https://blog.short.io/how-to-create-short-links-with-301-302-307-308-status/65faed5730370700011f66c7Wed, 20 Mar 2024 14:13:53 GMT

With the right link shortener, creating short links with a 301, 302, 307, or 308 status is easy. If you’ve found a reputable shortener with a happy and established clientele, you should have no problem setting this up. With Short.io, it only takes five easy steps.  

  1. Log into your Short.io account. 
  2. Paste a URL in the field at the top. 
  3. Click the ellipsis button on the right of the pop-up. 
How to Create Short Links With 301, 302, 307, 308 Status


  1. Click HTTP Status
How to Create Short Links With 301, 302, 307, 308 Status


  1. Select which status you want. 
How to Create Short Links With 301, 302, 307, 308 Status


  1. Click Save

With six easy steps, you can set your link to any of the four statuses to prevent traffic loss. But what exactly do these statuses entail, and which should you choose? Let’s find out. 

What Are 301, 302, 307, and 308 Status Codes, And Why Do We Need Them?

How to Create Short Links With 301, 302, 307, 308 Status

Understanding HTTP status codes like 301, 302, 307, and 308 is crucial for managing web traffic and maintaining website integrity. These codes direct users and search engines to the correct content, ensuring a seamless browsing experience.  

301 Moved Permanently 

The 301 status code indicates a permanent change in a URL's location, ensuring that users are automatically sent to a new link when they visit a certain link. This status code helps maintain consistent links, avoid broken links, and improve user experience and search engine optimization. 

302 Found (Moved Temporarily) 

Unlike 301, the 302 status code indicates a temporary redirection. It provides flexibility for implementing short-term changes, such as temporary campaigns or site maintenance, without affecting SEO rankings or user bookmarks. 

During a website redesign, if certain pages need to be temporarily redirected to alternate URLs while maintenance is underway, a 302 redirect can ensure users are directed to the appropriate pages without affecting their browsing experience. 

307 Temporary Redirect 

Like 302, the 307 status code denotes a temporary redirection while preserving the original request method. It is handy for scenarios like server maintenance or load balancing, where maintaining the integrity of the original request is essential. 

Suppose a website experiences temporary server maintenance. In that case, a 307 redirect can direct incoming requests to a temporary maintenance page while preserving the original request method, ensuring minimal user disruption. 

308 Permanent Redirect 

The 308 status code, introduced in the HTTP/2 protocol, functions similarly to 301 but ensures that your internet browser uses the same method to find the new webpage. This maintains consistency in redirects and upholds SEO value, especially in website restructuring or content migration cases. 

For example, when restructuring a website's URL hierarchy, a 308 redirect can permanently redirect old URLs to their new counterparts while retaining the original request method. This ensures seamless navigation for users and maintains SEO rankings.  

In essence, these status codes serve as vital tools for web admins and developers to effectively manage site changes, ensure smooth user experiences, and maintain search engine visibility. 

How to Create Short Links With 301, 302, 307, 308 Status

 These redirects enhance website management, user experience, and digital marketing strategies. Now, let's delve deeper into each aspect to understand how the right redirection strategy can drive tangible benefits for online businesses and brands. 

SEO Enhancement 

How to Create Short Links With 301, 302, 307, 308 Status

 Implementing the appropriate HTTP status codes for URL redirection can significantly impact a website's search engine rankings. Search engines like Google prioritize websites that offer a seamless user experience, including correctly implemented redirects.  

Website owners can ensure that search engines recognize and attribute the appropriate SEO value to the redirected URLs by using status codes such as 301 redirects for permanent changes and 302 or 307 redirects for temporary alterations.  

Plus, you also get preservation of link equity, also known as link juice. When a URL is permanently redirected using a 301 status code, search engines transfer most of the original URL's ranking power, authority, and relevance to the new destination URL.  

Any backlinks, social shares, or other forms of online recognition associated with the old URL are effectively passed on to the new URL, helping maintain or enhance the website's overall SEO performance. 

User Experience Improvement 

How to Create Short Links With 301, 302, 307, 308 Status

 Ensuring the use of the correct HTTP status codes for URL redirection is essential for providing users with a seamless browsing experience.  

When users encounter a broken or outdated link, proper redirection using status codes like 301 or 308 ensures that they are automatically directed to the intended content without errors or disruptions.  

Whether a permanent move to a new domain or a temporary maintenance page, providing clear and informative redirections using the appropriate status codes helps reassure users that their browsing journey is secure and dependable. 

Marketing and Branding Benefits 

How to Create Short Links With 301, 302, 307, 308 Status

 Short links with specific HTTP status codes allow marketers and brands to maintain consistency in link presentation and messaging across various online channels.  

Whether sharing links on social media, email campaigns, or other marketing channels, using short URLs with properly implemented redirects ensures that users encounter uniform and coherent brand messaging.  

This consistency enhances brand recognition and reinforces the brand's identity in consumers' minds, leading to improved brand awareness and recall. 

Also, by incorporating tracking parameters into short URLs, marketers can monitor and analyze user engagement metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and geographic distribution of traffic.  

This data-driven approach enables marketers to refine their strategies, optimize campaign targeting, and allocate resources more effectively, ultimately leading to greater return on investment (ROI) for marketing initiatives. 

Short.io Can Do More Than Redirect

While these codes ensure your pages don't break, Short.io can go beyond that. This powerful link shortener offers features that not only offer a seamless experience with websites but also help you gain traffic and exposure. With Short.io, Geotargeting, A/B Testing, Campaign Tracking, and so much more are at your disposal.

If you want to supercharge your website and online marketing campaigns, check out what Short.io can do for you. And best of all, they have free options, so you know exactly what you're getting without breaking the bank.

<![CDATA[How to Cloak Figma Links]]>There are many ways you can go about cloaking Figma links. If you don't have a trusted link shortener, you may be tempted to use free ones online. However, it is always better to use an established and trusted shortener.

Free, no-name shorteners are notorious for selling your

https://blog.short.io/how-to-cloak-figma-links/65f1fc9c48f7670001a25ffdWed, 13 Mar 2024 19:28:27 GMT

There are many ways you can go about cloaking Figma links. If you don't have a trusted link shortener, you may be tempted to use free ones online. However, it is always better to use an established and trusted shortener.

Free, no-name shorteners are notorious for selling your data for a profit. Most free ones also cannot handle bulk link shortening and lack the tools that can help you grow your brand. 

We use Short.io for our link-shortening needs. Trusted by giant corporations and with over 200k happy customers, Short.io is perfect for our link shortening needs. It’s perfect for keeping your links secure.

Here’s how you can cloak your Figma links with Short.io:

Note: Link cloaking is available starting from the Personal plan.
  1. Log in to Short.io.
  2. Shorten your Figma link by pasting it on the field. 
How to Cloak Figma Links
  1. Click on the "Link cloaking" tab.
  2. Enable link cloaking by clicking a toggle switch.
How to Cloak Figma Links
  1. Save.

With these five easy steps, you can reap all the benefits of cloaking your links. But why do we need to cloak our Figma links exactly? Let’s explore.

Security and Privacy Concerns

How to Cloak Figma Links
Photo by Ion (Ivan) Sipilov / Unsplash

Sharing raw Figma links carries inherent risks that can compromise the security and confidentiality of your design projects. For instance, there's the ever-looming threat of potential unauthorized access. 

Imagine diligently working on a project, only to find out that someone unauthorized has gained access and tampered with your designs. Additionally, privacy breaches are a genuine concern. 

Your design may contain sensitive information that, if exposed, could lead to privacy violations or even intellectual property theft.

How to Cloak Figma Links
Photo by Franck / Unsplash

Cloaking Figma links offers a security measure to counter the risks associated with raw link sharing. By cloaking these links, sensitive information is concealed within shortened URLs, adding an extra layer of protection. 

For example, instead of exposing the entire project structure and details, a cloaked link provides minimal information, preventing potential unauthorized viewers from gaining insight into your design process. 

Moreover, it acts as a barrier against unauthorized viewing or editing, safeguarding your creative endeavors from unwanted interference. Cloaking thus serves as a proactive step towards fortifying the security of your digital assets in the collaborative landscape.

Professionalism and Branding

How to Cloak Figma Links
Photo by Mario Gogh / Unsplash

When it comes to sharing Figma links, the way you present them speaks volumes about your commitment to professionalism. Cloaking these links not only adds a layer of security but also elevates your brand presence. 

Picture this: instead of sharing lengthy, convoluted URLs that clutter communication channels, imagine sleek, shortened links that exude professionalism and sophistication. 

By adopting this approach, you demonstrate a keen eye for detail and a dedication to delivering a seamless user experience. Moreover, branding isn't just about logos and color schemes; it's about crafting a cohesive narrative that resonates with your audience. 

Cloaking Figma links is a subtle yet powerful way to reinforce your brand identity, leaving a lasting impression of professionalism and reliability.

Tracking and Analytics

How to Cloak Figma Links
Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪ / Unsplash

If you're using the right shortener, cloaking links can give you access to tracking and analytics. Tracking and analytics unveil a treasure trove of insights into user behavior. By meticulously tracking link clicks and interactions, you gain an unparalleled view of how users engage with your designs. 

When you're armed with the right information, you can make better decisions. Furthermore, analyzing design engagement provides invaluable feedback on the effectiveness of your creations, guiding future iterations toward heightened user satisfaction and engagement.

Through gathering insights gleaned from tracking and analytics, you embark on a quest for design or service perfection. Each tweak and adjustment is informed by user data, ensuring that every aspect of your design is optimized for maximum impact and effectiveness.

Convenience and Accessibility

How to Cloak Figma Links
Photo by Olaf Val / Unsplash

Navigating the labyrinth of digital communication often involves grappling with long, convoluted URLs that seem to sprawl endlessly across screens. 

Imagine this scenario: you've just finished a groundbreaking design project in Figma and are eager to share it with your team or clients. 

Instead of wrestling with complex or lengthy links that clutter your messages, cloaking allows you to generate shortened, easy-to-share URLs at the click of a button. 

With a concise link, your communication becomes effortlessly efficient. Whether you're sending it via email, chat, or social media, the shortened URL fits right into your message, ensuring clarity and ease of access for your recipients. 

How to Cloak Figma Links
Photo by Austin Distel / Unsplash

In essence, cloaking Figma links transforms the sharing process from a tedious chore into a seamless experience, empowering you to communicate with precision and panache.

Link cloaking also gives you great accessibility. Cloaking Figma links ensures compatibility across a myriad of platforms, guaranteeing that your designs are within reach of all users, regardless of their device or preferred communication tool. 

When you share a cloaked Figma link with your team, some members will prefer to access it on their desktop computers. Others might opt for their smartphones or tablets. 

Thanks to the magic of cloaking, compatibility is a non-issue. Whether it's iOS, Android, Windows, or macOS, cloaked links seamlessly integrate with various platforms, ensuring that your designs are accessible to everyone. 

How to Cloak Figma Links
Photo by Dimitri Karastelev / Unsplash

Moreover, they effortlessly slot into a multitude of communication tools, from email clients to messaging apps and project management platforms. 

This cross-platform compatibility fosters inclusivity and collaboration, breaking down barriers and ensuring that your designs transcend boundaries to reach their intended audience with ease.

Cloaking Is the Bare Minimum

While cloaking is a feature that presents great advantages, it is only the bare minimum for Short.io. When you use Short.io, you get access to dozens of different features that aren’t only designed to protect your links but to ensure they garner clicks.

Check out other advantageous features like Geotargeting, Link Expiration, A/B Testing, etc. Several pricing options are also available for small and large brands. 

<![CDATA[How to Create a QR Code With a Changeable URL]]>Changeable QR Codes can be used by making QR codes, and then URL redirects. So, first, let’s learn how to create a QR Code with your desired URL. Here’s a short and easy tutorial: 

  1. Log into your Short.io account. 
  2. Shorten a link. 
https://blog.short.io/how-to-create-a-qr-code-with-a-changeable-url/65c9de9e24e1d70001587fcdMon, 12 Feb 2024 09:08:59 GMT

Changeable QR Codes can be used by making QR codes, and then URL redirects. So, first, let’s learn how to create a QR Code with your desired URL. Here’s a short and easy tutorial: 

  1. Log into your Short.io account. 
  2. Shorten a link. 
  3. Click the QR Code icon. 
How to Create a QR Code With a Changeable URL
  1. Customize your QR code. 
How to Create a QR Code With a Changeable URL
  1. Download the QR code. 

So, let’s say you have your QR Code set and published physically and digitally. You can now change the QR code's destination URL without changing the code itself!

Here’s how: 

  1. Go to the Branded Links tab and find the short link of the QR code you want to edit. 
  2. Click on the pencil icon under the actions column.
How to Create a QR Code With a Changeable URL
  1. Under Basic Link Editing, change the Original URL entry to your new URL
  2. Click Save.


How to Create a QR Code With a Changeable URL

With that, you've saved time and money by simply redirecting the link in your QR code to an updated link of your choice! 

Why You Need Changeable URLs for Your QR Codes

QR codes have cemented themselves into the world of marketing. Whether used to access additional info from a device, pay for a product or service with a simple scan, or lead users to a survey or promo, people are becoming more familiar with QR Codes. 

But what if the promo is over? Or do you need to change a few pages, but the QR code that leads to one of them is still very popular? Here are a few reasons why you should always have the ability to edit the URL that your QR codes point to.

Beat the 404 Page 

How to Create a QR Code With a Changeable URL

 Changeable links on QR codes represent a groundbreaking solution to one of the most common pitfalls in the digital landscape–the infamous 404 error page.  

Once generated and disseminated, traditional static QR codes risk becoming obsolete or leading users to non-existent content due to updates, changes, or removals. The advent of changeable QR code links is a robust strategy to conquer the 404-page challenge. 

The frustration of encountering a 404 error is well-known to users scanning QR codes only to find that the linked content is unavailable or has been relocated.  

This inconvenience not only disrupts the user experience but also tarnishes a brand's reputation. Changeable links provide a proactive solution by allowing marketers and businesses to modify the destination URL on QR codes, ensuring that users are always directed to live, relevant content. 

QR codes with changeable links avoid the stagnation associated with static codes. Marketers can swiftly adapt to changes in promotions, product details, or campaigns without requiring an entire QR code overhaul. This agility is particularly crucial in dynamic industries where staying current is a prerequisite for success. 

The impact goes beyond preventing the frustration of encountering a 404 page. Businesses bolster user trust and engagement by ensuring that QR codes consistently lead to active content.  

Users are more likely to embrace QR codes as valuable tools when confident that the information accessed is current and reliable, enhancing the overall effectiveness of QR code-based marketing strategies

Seamless Changes 

How to Create a QR Code With a Changeable URL

 Seamless changes are a hallmark of effective QR code management, offering flexibility in adapting to the ever-evolving marketing strategies and consumer needs.  

With traditional static QR codes, any alterations to the linked content necessitate the creation of an entirely new code, resulting in potential confusion among consumers and additional printing costs for updated materials.  

In contrast, QR codes with changeable URLs enable seamless modifications to the destination link without requiring the redistribution of physical codes. 

This agility empowers marketers to respond swiftly to changing circumstances, such as updated product information, shifting campaign objectives, or revised promotional offers.  

By simply updating the destination URL through a centralized management platform, marketers can ensure that all existing QR codes remain relevant and functional, eliminating the need for costly reprinting or relabeling efforts.  

Moreover, seamless changes facilitate A/B testing and performance optimization, allowing marketers to experiment with different landing pages or promotional offers to maximize engagement and conversion rates. 

Seamlessly updating QR code destinations also enhances the user experience by ensuring that consumers consistently access up-to-date information and relevant content.  

Whether scanning a QR code on a physical advertisement, product packaging, or digital platform, consumers can trust that they will be directed to the most current and pertinent resources, fostering brand credibility and customer satisfaction. 


How to Create a QR Code With a Changeable URL

Utilizing QR codes with changeable URLs offers cost efficiency, offering substantial savings compared to traditional static QR code campaigns.  

Traditional, static QR codes often entail significant upfront costs associated with designing, printing, and distributing physical materials, such as flyers, posters, or packaging. However, these costs can escalate rapidly in the event of updates or revisions, requiring the production of new materials to reflect changes in linked content. 

In contrast, QR codes with changeable URLs minimize ongoing expenses by eliminating the need for frequent reprinting or relabeling physical materials. 

Marketers can leverage a single QR code across multiple campaigns or promotions, simply updating the destination URL to reflect changes in messaging or offerings. This clever approach reduces printing and production costs and conserves time and resources, enabling marketers to reallocate their budget toward other strategic initiatives or marketing channels. 

Furthermore, the cost-efficiency of QR codes with changeable URLs extends beyond material production. By centralizing QR code management through a digital platform, marketers can simplify workflows, track analytics, and iterate on campaigns in real time, maximizing return on investment and driving long-term profitability.  

Overall, the QR code’s cost-efficiency represents a compelling value proposition for businesses seeking to optimize their marketing budgets and achieve sustainable growth. 

Short.io Makes Your QR Code Versatile 

When it comes to QR codes, Short.io is the site for you. If you hope to expand your brand through digital marketing, look no further. Short.io provides powerful, secure, and budget-friendly link-shortening services.  

With Short.io, other excellent and advantageous features become available to you without breaking the bank. Check out Short.io’s list of features and pricing to figure out the best plan for you. 

<![CDATA[How to Customize a QR Code]]>In the competitive world of marketing, innovation is key to staying relevant. Enter QR codes—a modern essential for marketers. As businesses adapt, so should their strategies. QR codes seamlessly blend traditional and digital marketing, providing a user-friendly gateway for instant information access.  

They signify a progressive

https://blog.short.io/how-to-customize-a-qr-code/65c24b4b0ea15000019ebf42Tue, 06 Feb 2024 15:11:33 GMT

In the competitive world of marketing, innovation is key to staying relevant. Enter QR codes—a modern essential for marketers. As businesses adapt, so should their strategies. QR codes seamlessly blend traditional and digital marketing, providing a user-friendly gateway for instant information access.  

They signify a progressive shift, streamlining user experiences and establishing a direct connection between brands and audiences. They showcase a forward-thinking approach to engaging today's tech-savvy consumers, making them an indispensable tool in the marketer's arsenal. 

Several more advantages exist when you use QR codes in your marketing strategies. But first, let's learn how to create and customize them for your brand! 

How to Customize a QR Code with Short.io 

Customizing QR codes can be done for free online. However, several risks exist when using them on no-name shorteners. When dealing with things for your brand, it’s always wiser to go for sites with an established name and happy clientele. 

Short.io is an established link-shortening service that boasts of big, household-name brands as their clientele. Fortunately, they’re perfect for startups and smaller brands, too. With Short.io, customizing QR codes for your brand isn’t only easy, but it’s budget-friendly, too! Here’s how. 

  1. Log into your Short.io account.  
  2. Shorten a link.  
  3. Click the QR Code icon. 
How to Customize a QR Code
  1. Customize your QR code. (You can control the error correction level, colors, picture upload, etc.) 
How to Customize a QR Code
  1. Download the QR Code. 

And there you have it. With the QR code, you’re not only keeping up with modern marketing but also giving your customers an enhanced and convenient experience! 

8 Ways QR Codes Make Your Brand Better 

QR Codes are a way to keep up with today’s marketing trends and strategies. However, they give you several other advantages. Here are a few of our favorites! 

Contactless Payments 

How to Customize a QR Code

 QR Codes are found in coffee shops, restaurants, malls, and even smaller shops. That's because few things beat the QR Code when it comes to convenience. 

They have become the best instruments in facilitating contactless payments. By incorporating QR codes into your payment system, your brand aligns with current trends and caters to the growing demand for secure and hassle-free transactions.  

This improves your customer satisfaction and positions your brand as tech-savvy and customer-centric. 

Physical Advertisements 

How to Customize a QR Code

 Placing your brand name and link on your packaging is a great way for consumers to remember your product. Placing a QR Code on them makes them check it out online. 

By placing QR codes on packaging, brochures, and posters, consumers can effortlessly access additional information, videos, or exclusive promotions.  

Moreover, the marriage of physical and digital elements through QR codes helps brands gather valuable insights into consumer behavior.  

When you track QR code scans, businesses can analyze which aspects of their marketing collateral resonate with the audience, allowing for data-driven refinements in future campaigns.  

Promotions and Discounts 

How to Customize a QR Code

 The immersive experience facilitated by QR codes goes beyond information access. QR codes are a direct gateway to promotions and discounts, turning passive consumers into active participants in promotional campaigns. 

For instance, a QR code on a poster might grant access to a limited-time discount or a special offer. This offer incentivizes immediate engagement and creates a sense of exclusivity, encouraging consumers to stay connected with the brand for future promotions. 

Feedbacks and Surveys 

How to Customize a QR Code

 Customer feedback is invaluable for any business striving for improvement. However, most people aren’t inclined to fill out surveys. Some people are even paid to them. So, when you want your consumers to do them for free, you better ensure they are easily accessible.  

With QR codes, you make them just that—easily accessible. Instead of having them sit and fill it out on paper or giving them directions to head to your site and look for it, all they have to do is scan a code, and they can answer it. 

Location-Based Marketing 

How to Customize a QR Code

 Utilizing QR codes for location-based marketing enhances the relevance of your brand messages. Integrating QR codes with geotargeted campaigns allows you to deliver personalized content to users based on location.  

With location-based marketing, you can increase the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and showcase your brand's adaptability to the preferences and needs of specific demographics. 

Product Authentication 

How to Customize a QR Code

 Counterfeiting is a persistent challenge for many brands. QR codes can be employed as a tool for product authentication, assuring customers of the authenticity of their purchases.  

When your users scan your QR codes on products, consumers can access real-time information, ensuring they have genuine products and reinforcing trust in your brand. 

Social Media Integration 

How to Customize a QR Code

 In an age where social media plays a pivotal role in brand visibility, QR codes offer a seamless bridge between entertainment and business. 

They provide a direct link to specific content on social media platforms. Users can access relevant content swiftly, whether it's a promotional video, a new product launch, or a special campaign. This accessibility fosters a more immersive brand experience, allowing consumers to stay informed and connected with the latest updates. 

Business Cards 

How to Customize a QR Code

 QR codes redefine the conventional business card, transforming it into a versatile and interactive tool.  

With QR codes on their business cards, professionals provide instant access to contact information, portfolios, or social media profiles, setting their brand apart with a commitment to efficiency and technological innovation.  

This modern approach enhances connectivity and showcases a forward-thinking mindset, making a lasting impression in today's business landscape. 

Short.io Powers Up Your OR Code 

The QR Code is a great asset to offline and online marketing. But that’s not all there is in QR Codes. When combined with tools like Geotargeting, Analytics and Tracking, Deep Links, A/B Testing, and more, they become a testament to just how much your brand can grow online. 

Much like QR Codes, with Short.io, you can take your marketing strategies and enhance them. You get dozens of impressive features that help you garner the exposure and positive customer interaction every brand needs to flourish.  

<![CDATA[How to Create Short Links From Your Phone]]>Shortening links directly from your phone is essential for seamless on-the-go engagement when the digital world is always awake and fast-paced. As our reliance on smartphones intensifies, the need to condense lengthy URLs becomes paramount.  

Shortening links from your mobile device enhances efficiency and ensures that your shared

https://blog.short.io/how-to-create-short-links-from-your-phone/65b78e74237f0400017bb340Mon, 29 Jan 2024 11:47:36 GMT

Shortening links directly from your phone is essential for seamless on-the-go engagement when the digital world is always awake and fast-paced. As our reliance on smartphones intensifies, the need to condense lengthy URLs becomes paramount.  

Shortening links from your mobile device enhances efficiency and ensures that your shared content remains concise and easily accessible, catering to the preferences of today's mobile-centric audience.  

This practice is not merely a convenience; it's a strategic imperative for navigating our dynamic online world with agility. It allows you to share information effortlessly and make a lasting impact, all from the palm of your hand. 

Creating links from your iOS devices can be a game-changer. You may not always have your laptop with you, so being able to shorten links with a mobile device offers a world of benefits. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to set up. Here's how. 

  1. Download the Short.io app on the App Store.
  2. Log into your Short.io account on the Short.io app. If you don't have one yet, you can make one for free on Short.io!
  3. Once you've logged into your account, paste the URL you want to shorten on the top field, then tap the + button.
  4. In the Link was created window, tap the copy icon to copy the shortened URL. You can also change this by editing the Slug field and tapping Save.
How to Create Short Links From Your Phone

With that, you can easily create short links on your iPhone. But if you don't like launching apps and prefer using the iPhone Shortcuts app, check out the following steps.

  1. Open the Shortcuts app. 
  2. If it's your first time, add any shortcut from the Gallery. 
  3. In system settings, locate Shortcuts and allow untrusted shortcuts. 
  4. Access the Short.io shortcut here
  5. Input your domain and API key in the shortcut.  
  6. To add the shortcut to your home screen for easy access, long-press, select the + icon, and choose the Shortcuts widget. 
How to Create Short Links From Your Phone

Of course, Short.io isn't only available to iOS. You can also experience the convenience of shortening links on an Android device! Here's how. 

  1. Download the Short.io app on your phone. If you don't have it, click here. It's free! 
  2. Log into your Short.io account. 
  3. Paste the link you want to shorten on the top field and tap the + icon
How to Create Short Links From Your Phone
  1. Type in the link slug and title you want. (You can also select which folder to save it into and what tags you want to place.) 
  2. Click Save
How to Create Short Links From Your Phone
  1. Click the copy icon to be ready to paste your shortened link. 

For more detailed instructions, you can also check out our full video tutorial on how to shorten a link with Short.io's Android app.

Since Short.io values options and convenience, you can shorten links through your Android and iOS devices and a Telegram bot! The process is fast and easy.  

Note: You will need a Telegram account for this bot to work. 

  1. Open your Telegram account. 
  2. Copy this link and paste it on Telegram's search bar or you can scan the QR code below through your Telegram. 
How to Create Short Links From Your Phone
  1. Select the Short.io option and press Start. (If you've activated the bot, it will show Restart instead.) 
How to Create Short Links From Your Phone
  1. Send the bot your API Key. 
  2. Send Select domain
  3. Choose the domain you want to shorten. 
How to Create Short Links From Your Phone

 And with that, your shortened link is ready to send! 

The ability to navigate seamlessly from our mobile devices is not just a convenience but a necessity. Now, let's explore the three advantages that make link shortening from your phone a game-changer in the digital era. 


How to Create Short Links From Your Phone

 Creating succinct links directly from your phone transforms the dynamics of digital engagement, introducing portability that redefines our interaction with information.  

Picture yourself at a bustling networking event, eager to share your latest project or a captivating article. In this scenario, the significance of being able to condense URLs becomes significant—a swift and accessible means to make an immediate impression. 

Whether using an iOS or Android device, the sheer convenience of link shortening relieves you from bringing a laptop, ensuring that you can captivate your audience wherever you are.  

The Short.io app and Telegram bot elevate this experience, giving users the power to craft concise, memorable links at the tip of their fingers.  

This newfound portability isn't merely about convenience; it's a strategic advantage that empowers you to seamlessly share information, fostering meaningful connections and leaving a lasting impact, all within the palm of your hand. 


How to Create Short Links From Your Phone

 Efficiency takes center stage when crafting short links from your phone, providing a quick and convenient solution for seamless digital connectivity. 

Imagine you're on the go, exploring a bustling city, and you stumble upon a vibrant pop-up shop with a limited-time discount. Excited about the find, you want to share the opportunity with your readers or followers instantly.  

Without needing a laptop, you can pull out your phone, swiftly shorten the URL to the shop's exclusive offer, and share it in real time.  

Here, the ability to generate links on the fly accelerates the sharing process and exemplifies the strategic use of digital tools in capturing opportunities and spreading spontaneous moments.  

Crafting short links from your phone becomes a valuable asset, allowing you to navigate the fast-paced digital landscape with unparalleled efficiency and effectiveness. 


How to Create Short Links From Your Phone

Crafting short links directly from your phone enhances accessibility, especially for businesses aiming to fortify their online presence.  

If you were at a business conference and a potential client expressed interest in your latest product demo, swiftly shortening and generating a concise demo URL on your phone and sending it to them shows clients you're prepared.  

This link becomes a powerful asset for accessibility, enabling the interested client to access your product details with a quick scan.  

In this scenario, mobile link shortening facilitates immediate engagement and reinforces your brand's accessibility, providing a hassle-free means for potential clients to explore your offerings without cumbersome processes.  

It's a strategic approach that transforms spontaneous interactions into opportunities—all achieved effortlessly from your handheld device. 

Short.io for Your Phone 

Short.io allows you to shorten links from your mobile devices; however, that's not the only feature the Short.io app offers.  

With the Short.io app, you can add/delete domains, shorten, customize, and share branded links, apply Short.io features (e.g., Geo- and Mobile targeting, UTM tags, Link cloaking, Link expiration), track domain and link statistics, set up retargeting and integrations for advanced tracking, and more!  

All of these become available anywhere, anytime with Short.io. Download the Short.io app today! 

<![CDATA[How to Know If You Can Cloak (Hide) a Link]]>Not all links are created equal. Some are armed with link cloaking, some can be, and some can’t. If you have pre-existing links you want to cloak, there’s a way to determine if it can be.

Follow the steps below to see if you can hide

https://blog.short.io/how-to-know-if-you-can-cloak-hide-a-link/65a9756de3e53c0001b2fc71Sat, 20 Jan 2024 17:25:56 GMT

Not all links are created equal. Some are armed with link cloaking, some can be, and some can’t. If you have pre-existing links you want to cloak, there’s a way to determine if it can be.

Follow the steps below to see if you can hide your links and protect the identity of your URLs and more.

How to Know If You Can Cloak (Hide) a Link
  • Once your Short.io account is active, paste the URL of the link you want to cloak into the link shortener.
How to Know If You Can Cloak (Hide) a Link
  • In the Link was created window, click on Customize [E].
How to Know If You Can Cloak (Hide) a Link
  • Then, click on Link Cloaking in the next window, and then click on the Cloaking enabled toggle switch.
How to Know If You Can Cloak (Hide) a Link
  • If you can't cloak a link, you'll get either of the following results:
    • The page will show a connection refused error when you try accessing the cloaked link you just made if cloaking is disallowed on a server level.
How to Know If You Can Cloak (Hide) a Link
    • If cloaking is disallowed on a domain level, you'll receive an error message stating that it can't be enabled in the Link Cloaking window.
How to Know If You Can Cloak (Hide) a Link

That way, you can see if cloaking will work for you without shelling out any cash.

How to Know If You Can Cloak (Hide) a Link
Photo by Karthik Swarnkar / Unsplash

In an age where the digital world intertwines seamlessly with brands and marketing, ensuring the security of your online presence has become paramount. As the virtual realm continues its expansive growth, the imperative of fortifying your links against cyber threats cannot be overstated.  

Link cloaking emerges as a necessary practice, not only enhancing security but also reinforcing your online integrity. In a world where information is synonymous with power, safeguarding your digital assets transcends prudence—it becomes an absolute imperative.  

How to Know If You Can Cloak (Hide) a Link

In the world of affiliate marketing, using link cloaking is like adding a superpower to your strategy. It's not just about making your links look clean and professional, although that's definitely a nice bonus. Link cloaking is a trust builder – it gives your audience confidence to click on a secure and reliable link. 

Picture this: link cloaking makes your links appear sleek and branded, steering clear of any suspicion. This looks good and protects your links from rivals who might want to mess with your traffic or earnings. 

Think of it as a shield against search engine hiccups. Search engines prefer neat links, and cloaking ensures your links stay on their good side. This keeps your marketing game strong and helps your long-term success. 

So, in a nutshell, link cloaking isn't just a fancy gimmick; it's a must-have tool for affiliate marketers. It adds a touch of professionalism, builds trust, and safeguards your links in the ever-evolving online marketing world. Give it a shot, and watch your affiliate marketing strategies soar. 

How to Know If You Can Cloak (Hide) a Link

Link cloaking isn't only for affiliate marketing. It's also a practical solution to tackle the challenge of broken links. Beyond the surface-level improvements, link cloaking ensures that the links you share remain functional over time.  

It gives you the power to redirect or update links without changing how they look, creating a smooth and reliable experience for your audience. 

Imagine sharing a link in your social media posts or email campaigns. Without link cloaking, the risk of encountering broken links due to updates or changes is real. However, with link cloaking, you have a safety net.  

For example, if you need to update a product link in an ongoing campaign, link cloaking lets you make behind-the-scenes adjustments while showing a consistent URL to your audience. 

This functionality enhances the professional look of your online presence and ensures that your marketing efforts stay seamless and dependable.  

In simpler terms, link cloaking is like a trustworthy sidekick, providing simplicity and professionalism while guarding your campaigns against the hassles of broken links. 

Deliver a Better Branding Strategy

How to Know If You Can Cloak (Hide) a Link

While aesthetics isn't everything, it sure is a big part of marketing. Link cloaking allows you to present clean, branded URLs, enhancing the visual appeal of your shared links. This contributes to a polished image and fosters a sense of trust and reliability among your audience. 

Consider sharing a link that seamlessly integrates with your brand. Link cloaking enables you to customize URLs, incorporating your brand name for a consistent and recognizable appearance.  

Whether shared on social media or embedded in emails, this practice ensures that every link reflects the professionalism of your brand. 

For instance, if you're promoting a new product or campaign, a branded link created through cloaking becomes an extension of your brand identity. It's like having a digital nametag that instantly communicates credibility to your audience. 

In essence, link cloaking becomes a brand-conscious strategy, simplifying your online presentation while reinforcing your identity.  

By adopting this practice, you not only elevate the professionalism of your shared links but also contribute to your brand's overall coherence and trustworthiness in the online world. 

Performance Tracking and Analytics

How to Know If You Can Cloak (Hide) a Link

Link cloaking also provides an effective means of monitoring and understanding how your audience engages with your content. 

Imagine this scenario: you share a cloaked link, and behind the scenes, you gain access to detailed analytics. These analytics offer valuable insights into the number of clicks, the geographic locations of your audience, and the devices they use. It's like having a digital magnifying glass that helps you see exactly how your links perform online. 

Whether you're running a marketing campaign or simply gauging the effectiveness of your content, link cloaking ensures you have the necessary tools for informed decision-making. You can identify which platforms or strategies drive the most clicks, allowing you to refine your approach and maximize impact. 

With all the data it presents, link cloaking becomes a practical instrument in your analytics toolkit, simplifying the process of tracking link performance while providing rich data to inform your strategic decisions.  

Adopting link cloaking is akin to opening a window into the online behaviors of your audience, allowing you to tailor your efforts for optimal results. 

Figuring out if your links can be cloaked is useful, but figuring out how to cloak your links is even more critical. Both of these can be easily done in Short.io. Several powerful tools like A/B Testing, Mobile Targeting, Deep Links, and much more are available in Short.io.  

These tools are designed to garner exposure and market your brand to the right audience without breaking the bank. Check out all the features and price plans to help your brand grow! 

<![CDATA[How to Know Who Has Clicked Your Links]]>Clicks stream data shows you who visits your pages, which pages they go to, the time they spend on it, and what actions they take. This information is not just data—it helps you tailor your content, optimize strategies, and make informed decisions.

This powerful tool helps you understand

https://blog.short.io/how-to-know-who-has-clicked-your-links/659fbca8e3e53c0001b2fc20Thu, 11 Jan 2024 10:29:25 GMT

Clicks stream data shows you who visits your pages, which pages they go to, the time they spend on it, and what actions they take. This information is not just data—it helps you tailor your content, optimize strategies, and make informed decisions.

This powerful tool helps you understand your audience. So, here's how to set it up and find out who clicks your links.

With all the information you receive from clickstream data, you’d think it would be difficult to set up. And if you were to start from scratch, it most definitely would! Fortunately, there are services that make the whole process easier! Here’s a short tutorial on how to set up your clickstream data with Short.io: 

  1. Log into your Short.io account. If you don’t have one, you can sign up for free!
  2. Click CLICKS STREAM in the dashboard. 
How to Know Who Has Clicked Your Links
  1. Click on COLUMNS. 
How to Know Who Has Clicked Your Links
  1. Select what information you want to be displayed.
How to Know Who Has Clicked Your Links

And that’s it. In four straightforward steps, Short.io allows learning a wealth of information about your users.  

Most people don't need or want to see who visits their pages. But the Click Stream is a veritable treasure trove of information, and it can help you gain an advantage if you know how to use it.

Develop Location-Based Marketing Strategies 

How to Know Who Has Clicked Your Links

Clickstream data will give you information on over a dozen different categories—from operating systems to referrers and browsers. However, perhaps the most critical piece of information it can provide you is the location of your users. 

In Short.io, you can detect visitors up to the city level for free! From the location of your users alone, you can create several marketing strategies to advertise.

Create Specific Content

How to Know Who Has Clicked Your Links

Once armed with clickstream data, tailoring your content becomes a breeze. You can know exactly which pages your audience frequents, the duration of their visits, and their actions.  

This wealth of information empowers you to curate content that resonates with their preferences, trading casual clicks for meaningful engagement. 

With that, it's easier to understand the sections of your website or links that draw the most attention. If specific topics or products consistently capture your audience's interest, capitalize on this insight by producing more content in those areas.  

For instance, if clicks stream data reveals a surge in clicks on your blog's tech-related articles, consider expanding your tech content or introducing a dedicated tech-focused section. By aligning your offerings with what your audience finds compelling, you enhance their experience and increase the likelihood of conversion.  

When harnessed effectively, clickstream data serves as your content compass, guiding you toward creating a digital landscape that caters precisely to the needs and interests of your audience.

Optimize Your Marketing to Your Audience

How to Know Who Has Clicked Your Links

Access to clickstream data opens doors to strategic optimization, especially in geotargeting and mobile targeting areas that demand attention. With insights into user locations, you can refine your content and marketing strategies to cater to regional preferences. 

Geotargeting allows you to customize promotions, advertisements, and content based on the geographical locations of your audience, ensuring relevance and resonance. 

Moreover, the mobile targeting aspect of clickstream data equips you to address users' unique needs on mobile devices. Identify areas where mobile engagement is high and optimize content and campaigns accordingly. 

Whether it's adjusting the format for better mobile visibility or tailoring promotions that align with mobile user behaviors, clickstream data guides the way. 

This strategic optimization, fueled by clickstream insights, ensures that your digital efforts are not just broadly effective but finely tuned to your audience's diverse preferences and behaviors across different locations and devices. 

Better Budget Allocation 

How to Know Who Has Clicked Your Links

Scrutinizing click patterns, visit durations, and conversion rates allows you to identify the channels consistently yielding high engagement. When you have the correct data, you can allocate more resources to these high-performing channels, ensuring your budget is strategically invested where it matters most. 

Consider a scenario where clickstream data highlights a social media platform as a powerhouse for engagement, with users regularly interacting with your content and converting. In response, you can invest a more significant portion of your budget in this platform, capitalizing on its proven success to amplify your digital presence and outreach. 

Equally important is the ability of clicks stream data to flag underperforming channels. Pinpointing areas where user interaction falls below expectations empowers you to make informed decisions about adjusting expenditures.  

For instance, if a particular advertising channel consistently underperforms, reallocating resources to channels with proven engagement optimizes your budget, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.  

Clicks stream insights deepen your understanding of user behavior and provide the foresight to make data-driven choices that directly impact your digital marketing ROI, shaping a budget that yields optimal returns. 

Perform Better Than the Competition

How to Know Who Has Clicked Your Links

By offering a comprehensive performance analysis compared to competitors, clicks stream data becomes your lens into the competitive landscape. With accurate data, you can analyze the information you receive and gain valuable insights into how your digital presence measures up within the market. 

Identifying areas where your performance outshines competitors unveils opportunities for growth and expansion. For instance, if clicks stream data indicates higher engagement with your content than competitors, you can use this advantage to solidify your market position further. 

On the other hand, recognizing areas where competitors excel can reveal potential threats or areas for improvement. Clicks stream insights enable you to pinpoint specific channels or strategies where competitors are gaining an edge, allowing you to refine your approach and stay ahead of market trends. 

In the fast-paced digital realm, clicks stream data becomes your strategic ally, providing the intelligence to navigate competitive waters, uncover opportunities, and mitigate potential threats effectively. 

Know Your Market with Short.io 

Clicks stream data is an impressive feature that helps your brand receive the exposure it deserves. However, why settle for one remarkable feature when you can have dozens more? With Short.io, you can have powerful, dynamic tools that bring in and keep engagement at your fingertips.   

<![CDATA[How to Create Deep Links for Your iOS and Android App]]>Deep links are pivotal for app marketing strategies, offering a direct pathway to specific content within mobile applications. Unlike traditional links that merely launch an app's homepage, deep links guide users to precise locations, enhancing experience and engagement.

By providing smooth navigation through deep links, you can create

https://blog.short.io/how-to-create-deep-links-ios-and-android/659e3134e3e53c0001b2fbc3Wed, 10 Jan 2024 06:18:54 GMT

Deep links are pivotal for app marketing strategies, offering a direct pathway to specific content within mobile applications. Unlike traditional links that merely launch an app's homepage, deep links guide users to precise locations, enhancing experience and engagement.

By providing smooth navigation through deep links, you can create personalized campaigns, driving user retention and conversion rates. So, let's dive into how to create deep links for both your iOS and Android applications and the game-changing advantages they present.

While creating deep links can be challenging, Short.io has the process simplified and ready for beginners. Here are two tutorials on deep links—one for Android and another for iOS. 

  1. Launch Xcode and open your iOS application project. 
How to Create Deep Links for Your iOS and Android App
  1. Click on the name of your app in Xcode to access the settings. 
  2. Select Signing and Capabilities
  3. Configure Developer Account. 
  4. Specify BundleID. 
How to Create Deep Links for Your iOS and Android App
  1. Add Associated Domains; use the following format: applinks:yourshort.domain
How to Create Deep Links for Your iOS and Android App
  1. Configure Associate Domains.
  2. Go to Short.io and open Domain Settings.
How to Create Deep Links for Your iOS and Android App
  1. In the Settings for domain dropdown menu, ensure that the correct short domain is selected.
  2. Click Deep Links and add the Apple Team Identifier and Bundle Identifier.

Now, your Universal Links are set up. When a user clicks a short link, iOS will check if the app is installed. If installed, the app will launch immediately; otherwise, the web URL will open in Safari. 

  1. Open AndroidManifest.xml in your Android app project.
How to Create Deep Links for Your iOS and Android App
  1. Add Intent Filters:
How to Create Deep Links for Your iOS and Android App

Inside the <activity> tag, add intent filters to specify that the link should open in your app. 

The intent filters:

<intent-filter android:label="YourAppName"> 
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> 
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> 
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> 
    <data android:scheme="https" 
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> 
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> 
  1. Configure Deep Links on Short.io
How to Create Deep Links for Your iOS and Android App

Go to Short.io and click Domain Settings

  1. Add deep link processing to your app. 
  • In your MainActivity.kt or .java file, add the following code: 
val data: Uri? = this.intent.data 
if (data != null && data.isHierarchical()) { 
    val uri = this.intent.dataString 
    Log.i("YourAppName", "Deep link clicked $uri") 
  • or in Java
Uri data = this.getIntent().getData(); 
if (data != null && data.isHierarchical()) { 
    String uri = this.getIntent().getDataString(); 
    Log.i("YourAppName", "Deep link clicked " + uri); 
  1. Test the Deep Links. 
  • Run the emulator and open the specified link in the AndroidManifest
  • If the link exists, your app should handle it. If not, you'll receive an error message. 

Now that we've laid the foundation for creating deep links, let's delve into why they are indispensable for app marketing.  


How to Create Deep Links for Your iOS and Android App

The targeted nature of deep links empowers marketers to tailor re-engagement efforts based on user behavior and preferences.

For instance, if users frequently explore sports-related content within your app, a strategically crafted deep link can redirect them to the latest articles, exclusive interviews, or promotions related to their favorite sports teams or athletes. 

Whether highlighting content that aligns with their past interactions, offering exclusive promotions based on their purchase history, or showcasing personalized recommendations, deep links help deliver content that resonates with individual users.  

This level of personalization rekindles their interest and creates a sense of value, reinforcing the connection between users and your app and ultimately leading to increased loyalty and sustained user engagement. 

Enhanced User Experience 

How to Create Deep Links for Your iOS and Android App

Beyond reengagement, deep links contribute significantly to enhancing user experience. Traditional links often lead users to a generic landing page, requiring them to navigate to desired content manually.  In contrast, deep links offer a frictionless experience, guiding users precisely to the intended destination within your app.

By eliminating the need for users to navigate through layers of menus or search for desired content, deep links provide a direct, one-click solution, enhancing user satisfaction by delivering instant access to the information or features they seek.  

This optimized navigation saves users time and ensures a more satisfying and efficient interaction, contributing to positive user perceptions and loyalty.

Cross-Platform Promotion 

How to Create Deep Links for Your iOS and Android App

Deep links break down silos between platforms, enabling seamless cross-platform promotion. Whether your audience uses iOS or Android, deep links unify promotional efforts.  

Imagine sharing a promotion on social media with a deep link; whether your followers click from their iPhone or Android, they are directed straight to the exclusive offer, breaking down platform barriers and delivering a cohesive promotional experience across all devices.  

Share a single link, and users will be directed to the relevant content, regardless of their device. This cross-platform compatibility simplifies marketing strategies, allowing for cohesive and consistent promotional campaigns.  

It's a powerful tool for reaching a diverse audience without the complexity of managing separate links for each platform. 

Social Media Dominance 

How to Create Deep Links for Your iOS and Android App

 In the era of social media dominance, the ease of sharing content is pivotal in a successful marketing strategy. Deep links provide a solution by making it effortless to share specific app content on various social media platforms.  

Whether you're promoting a new feature, a special offer, or user-generated content, deep links ensure that the shared link leads directly to the intended content within the app. This boosts visibility and encourages user engagement, as followers can seamlessly transition from social media platforms to your app with a single click. 

Short.io and Its Other Powerful Features 

While deep links are powerful and impressive, they are only one in Short.io’s list of features. Head to Short.io to check out all the tools to give your brand and users the best digital marketing.  

<![CDATA[Short.cm Inc Achieves ISO 27001 Certification]]>Short.cm Inc, a leading provider in the field of URL shortening services, proudly announces its recent attainment of the ISO 27001 certification. This certification is a significant achievement and underscores Short.cm Inc's steadfast commitment to the highest standards of information security.

ISO 27001 is an internationally

https://blog.short.io/short-cm-inc-achieves-iso-27001-certification-bolstering-its-commitment-to-information-security/65955983e3e53c0001b2fbb6Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:58:42 GMTShort.cm Inc, a leading provider in the field of URL shortening services, proudly announces its recent attainment of the ISO 27001 certification. This certification is a significant achievement and underscores Short.cm Inc's steadfast commitment to the highest standards of information security.

ISO 27001 is an internationally acclaimed standard that specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, continually improving, and maintaining an information security management system (ISMS). It is designed to ensure the selection of adequate and proportionate security controls that protect information assets and give confidence to interested parties.

This certification is particularly noteworthy for Short.cm Inc, given the nature of its services. As a URL shortening service provider, Short.cm Inc manages a vast amount of data and is entrusted with sensitive information from its users. In today's digital age, where data breaches and cyber threats are increasingly prevalent, the importance of robust information security measures cannot be overstated.

The journey to achieving ISO 27001 certification involved a rigorous and comprehensive audit process by an independent, accredited certification body. The process assessed various facets of Short.cm Inc's operations, including its risk management protocols, IT systems, staff training programs, and physical and environmental security. Compliance with ISO 27001 standards means that Short.cm Inc has demonstrated a systematic and ongoing approach to managing sensitive company and customer information.

The attainment of ISO 27001 certification brings multiple benefits to Short.cm Inc and its stakeholders:

  1. Enhanced Reputation: This certification serves as an assurance to customers and partners that Short.cm Inc is dedicated to managing information securely. It positions the company as a trusted and reliable service provider in the tech industry.
  2. Improved Risk Management: By adhering to the ISO 27001 standards, Short.cm Inc ensures that risks are identified, assessed, and managed effectively, thereby reducing the likelihood of security breaches.
  3. Operational Excellence: The certification process helps in fine-tuning processes and procedures, leading to improved efficiency and performance in handling and protecting data.
  4. Competitive Advantage: In a market where data security is a priority, having an ISO 27001 certification can be a key differentiator, attracting clients who value stringent security measures.

In conclusion, the achievement of the ISO 27001 certification is a testament to Short.cm Inc's unwavering commitment to information security. It reassures customers and partners of the company's competence in handling data securely and responsibly. This milestone not only enhances Short.cm Inc's reputation but also reinforces its dedication to maintaining the highest standards of data protection and security in all its operations.

<![CDATA[How to Get a Custom Domain for $3 and Create Short Links]]>If you're starting a business today, having an online presence—or at least an online identity—is crucial. With the Yellow Pages firmly behind us, people usually look something up online to find a service that caters to their needs.

Unfortunately, not all starting businesses have

https://blog.short.io/how-to-get-3-dollar-custom-domain-and-create-short-links/657ff3a3e3e53c0001b2f4feMon, 18 Dec 2023 07:38:04 GMT

If you're starting a business today, having an online presence—or at least an online identity—is crucial. With the Yellow Pages firmly behind us, people usually look something up online to find a service that caters to their needs.

Unfortunately, not all starting businesses have the budget or expertise to manage a site. Some are recovering from startup costs, while others don't know how to drive in traffic, so they don't bother trying. Fortunately, there's a budget-friendly and intuitive solution—Short.io.

Let's find out how Short.io's 3-dollar deal is perfect for your business—new or old!

How to Get a Custom Domain for $3

Before we get into all the great things when you get a custom domain for your business (and from Short.io, too!), let's figure out how to do it. Typically, custom domains cost over $10. Fortunately, an affordable deal is available with Short.io. Here's how to get a custom domain for $3.

  1. Log in to your Short.io account. (If you don't have one, create one. It's free!)
  2. Click the Menu option in the upper left corner.
How to Get a Custom Domain for $3 and Create Short Links
  1. Select Add domain.
How to Get a Custom Domain for $3 and Create Short Links
  1. Select Buy Domain.
How to Get a Custom Domain for $3 and Create Short Links
  1. Type in the domain name you want and add .link at the end.
  2. Select the 3.00 USD/year option.
How to Get a Custom Domain for $3 and Create Short Links
  1. Click Register.
  2. Once you've paid for your domain, you can continue setting up your Short.io account and create short links.
How to Get a Custom Domain for $3 and Create Short Links

With Short.io, creating your custom domain takes $3 and seven easy steps. Now, let's dive into why your small business needs this custom domain.

Why Your Startup and Small Business Needs a Custom Domain

If you have anything to do with a marketing team, you'll know just how vital an online presence is. Your business needs a custom domain for hundreds of reasons, but we'll give you our top four.

How to Get a Custom Domain for $3 and Create Short Links

Establishing an easy-to-use link directory is a clever strategy for businesses, offering many benefits that create a user-friendly experience and enhance online functionality. The simplicity of navigation is paramount, ensuring that visitors can quickly access relevant information.

For instance, a retail business can categorize links for various product categories, such as "electronics.link" or "apparel.link," facilitating a straightforward shopping experience. This organized structure improves customer satisfaction and boosts conversion rates by reducing friction in the online journey.

Moreover, an organized link directory aids in effective content management. A travel agency, for example, can categorize links based on destinations, creating a structure like "europe-travel.link" or "asia-travel.link."

This helps potential clients find specific information efficiently and allows the business to tailor marketing strategies for each category.

Furthermore, easy-to-use link directories foster customer loyalty. A news website can categorize links based on topics like "technology-news.link" or "sports-news.link," enabling readers to access their preferred content swiftly. Users appreciate the convenience and ease of finding what they need promptly.

Professional Look

How to Get a Custom Domain for $3 and Create Short Links

Securing a custom domain for your website is a foundational step in helping it give off a sense of professionalism and credibility. A custom domain serves as a distinct digital address, elevating your online presence and leaving a lasting impression on visitors.

Consider the impact of a personalized domain like "yourbusiness.com" compared to a generic one – it establishes brand identity and instills user confidence.

For instance, an e-commerce site sporting the custom domain "shopunique.com" conveys a commitment to uniqueness and professionalism, attracting customers seeking distinct products. Similarly, a freelance portfolio with the domain "yourname.com" reflects a personalized and professional touch, making it more appealing to potential clients.

It also fosters trust with a new customer. People who shop or subscribe to online services know better than to click a random link. Having a custom, shortened link is the standard.

Moreover, a custom domain enhances brand recognition, creating a cohesive and memorable online identity. When individuals or businesses rely on word of mouth, a custom domain becomes vital for easy recall.


How to Get a Custom Domain for $3 and Create Short Links

Investing in a custom domain for your brand is a cost-efficient decision in the long run. While the initial expense may seem minor, the benefits are substantial. A custom domain allows you to create an easy-to-use Link Directory and gives your brand a professional look that contributes to its credibility.

This trust can result in increased customer loyalty and conversion rates, translating into tangible returns on investment over time. Consider the alternative—relying on generic or free domain extensions may project an amateurish image and hinder potential customers from engaging with your brand.

A custom domain not only reinforces brand identity but also minimizes the risk of losing customers due to skepticism about the legitimacy of your online presence.

Plus, Short.io's $3 deal makes it an exceptionally cost-efficient investment. Compared to the traditional cost of over $10 for a custom domain, this offer minimizes financial strain and gives startups a strategic advantage in their online branding efforts.

Unlimited Redirects

How to Get a Custom Domain for $3 and Create Short Links

In the ever-evolving digital world, marked by frequent updates, rebranding efforts, and content restructuring, the capability to redirect URLs without limitations becomes a significant advantage. This feature enables businesses to navigate changes seamlessly, unaffected by the constraints of a fixed redirection limit.

Consider an e-commerce platform introducing a new product line; with unlimited redirects, the transition becomes seamless as users are effortlessly guided from the previous link to the updated one, preserving customer engagement.

Likewise, a company undergoing a comprehensive rebranding initiative can redirect all outdated links to the revamped website, ensuring a cohesive online presence without disruptions.

Unlimited redirects empower businesses to evolve organically in response to market trends and internal changes. This enhances user experience and future-proofs a business's online presence. It is a crucial and forward-thinking component for sustained growth and adaptability in the dynamic digital landscape.

Grow with Short.io

While a $3 budget plan is great for startups, several other options are available to aid your growth. Short.io has affordable prices available for businesses, big and small! If you compare Short.io with other renowned link shorteners, Short.io has proven to give the most bang for your buck!

Impressive features like A/B Testing, Mobile Targeting, Deep Links, and more become available with just a few clicks. Watch your brand grow and flourish with tools designed specifically for online engagement with Short.io!

<![CDATA[How to Create Short Links on a Hostinger Subdomain]]>Hostinger is a powerhouse in web hosting, helping you elevate your online presence. However, you can further up its presence in your digital marketing efforts by integrating it with short links.

So, here's how you can use Short.io to seamlessly complement Hostinger, enhance your link management, and

https://blog.short.io/how-to-create-short-links-on-a-hostinger-subdomain/656f0aa2ff4c6600016e50a4Tue, 05 Dec 2023 11:58:39 GMT

Hostinger is a powerhouse in web hosting, helping you elevate your online presence. However, you can further up its presence in your digital marketing efforts by integrating it with short links.

So, here's how you can use Short.io to seamlessly complement Hostinger, enhance your link management, and take your online strategy to new heights. We'll teach you the art of creating short links on your Hostinger subdomain, tapping into the platform's advanced capabilities.   

We'll also dive into how Hostinger is a game-changer for your web hosting needs, including its free services, cost-efficiency, branding options, simplicity, and more. Discover how you can maximize your online potential with Hostinger and Short.io.

Links are a no-brainer when it comes to the online community. Learning how to create them is essential to building an online presence. Fortunately, the process is straightforward when you're using Hostinger and Short.io. Here's a short tutorial on creating short links on a Hostinger subdomain. 

  1. Log into your Hostinger account. (Creating one is free!) 
  2. Click the arrow next to your domain. 
How to Create Short Links on a Hostinger Subdomain
  1. Go to the "DNS / Nameservers" tab. 
How to Create Short Links on a Hostinger Subdomain

4. Select and type the following for the Manage DNS records section.

  • For Type, select CNAME. 
  • For Name, type in your subdomain 
  • For Target, type in cname.short.io 
  • For TTL, type in 3600
How to Create Short Links on a Hostinger Subdomain
  1. Press Add Record
  2. Head over to your Short.io account. (Creating an account is also free!) 
  3. In the User menu, hit Add domain and opt to add your domain. 
How to Create Short Links on a Hostinger Subdomain
  1. Type in your domain, select This is domain I already use for website or blog, and choose a subdomain from the list or create a custom one.  
How to Create Short Links on a Hostinger Subdomain

After a few hours, swing by Short.io domain settings to ensure everything's activated. Once it is, start shortening links and have a blast with Short.io!

How to Create Short Links on a Hostinger Subdomain

Why You Should Use Hostinger for Your Web Hosting Needs

While several web hosting sites are available, Hostinger is a top choice for individuals and businesses. Its features and benefits make it a compelling option for those looking to establish or enhance their online presence.

Let's delve into the key reasons you should consider Hostinger for your hosting needs. 

Free Hosting

How to Create Short Links on a Hostinger Subdomain

One of Hostinger's standout features is its offering of free hosting services. This mainly benefits individuals or small businesses looking to dip their toes into the online world without committing to significant upfront costs. 

Hostinger's free hosting package provides a taste of what the platform offers. This is an excellent opportunity for beginners to experiment with website creation and understand the dynamics of hosting before deciding to upgrade to a premium plan. 

Cost Efficiency

How to Create Short Links on a Hostinger Subdomain

While free hosting is an attractive entry point, Hostinger excels in providing cost-efficient premium hosting plans for those ready for more. The platform is renowned for its affordability without compromising on performance.  

Moreover, Hostinger's commitment to cost-effectiveness extends to its generous array of freebies, including a free website builder, domain registration, and email hosting. The platform's transparent pricing model and regular promotional offers further show its dedication to providing exceptional value for money. 

Whether you're running a personal blog, an e-commerce site, or a corporate portal, Hostinger's pricing plans cater to a wide range of needs. The cost-effectiveness of Hostinger's premium plans makes it an appealing choice for budget-conscious individuals and businesses looking to get the most value out of their hosting investment. 


How to Create Short Links on a Hostinger Subdomain

Building a recognizable brand is a crucial aspect of online success, and Hostinger acknowledges this by offering branding options. Customizable website templates and logo design tools within Hostinger's hosting packages allow users to maintain a consistent and visually appealing brand image across their online platforms.  

By seamlessly integrating these branding elements, users can reinforce their identity, enhance brand recognition, and create a cohesive online experience for their audience. Users can personalize their domains, create professional email addresses, and establish a unique online identity.  

This contributes to a more polished and credible online presence, and fosters trust among visitors. Hostinger's commitment to providing branding tools empowers users to stand out in the digital landscape and make a lasting impression on their audience. 


How to Create Short Links on a Hostinger Subdomain

Hostinger distinguishes itself by simplifying the often complex process of web hosting. The user-friendly interface and intuitive control panel make it easy for beginners and experienced users to navigate and manage their hosting environment.  

Hostinger's user-friendly control panel provides an interface that simplifies complex tasks, making it accessible for users with diverse technical backgrounds.  

The detailed tutorials and responsive customer support further enhance users' control, ensuring that even those less experienced in web hosting can confidently navigate and optimize their hosting environment. 

From domain registration to website deployment, Hostinger simplifies each step, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. The ease of Hostinger's platform allows users to focus on their content and business goals rather than getting bogged down by technical intricacies. 


How to Create Short Links on a Hostinger Subdomain

While simplicity is crucial, Hostinger gives users high control over their hosting environment. This balance between simplicity and control is vital for users who want to customize and optimize their websites according to their specific requirements.  

Hostinger's control features empower users to manage their domains, configure server settings, and implement security measures effectively. This flexibility ensures that Hostinger caters to a diverse user base with varying levels of technical expertise. 

Power Up Your Hostinger Website With Short.io

As we've learned, Hostinger is a great web hosting company that could be the foundation for your online presence. But that's not all. Short.io—a link-shortening company—can make it even better. With Short.io, powerful features like Link Retargeting, Deep Links, Detailed Statistics, Geotargeting, and more become available. 

When you use Short.io to create links for your Hostinger subdomain, you arm your links with advanced features designed to maximize engagement.  

<![CDATA[How to Create Short Links via API]]>Using an API to make short links simplifies the whole process. It saves you time and effort by automating the process, and you can even integrate it into different apps, email services, or social media platforms.

With an API, you can create links with personalized content and track how well

https://blog.short.io/how-to-create-short-links-via-api/6561eb9afc62cf00016c3a5cSat, 25 Nov 2023 13:04:12 GMT

Using an API to make short links simplifies the whole process. It saves you time and effort by automating the process, and you can even integrate it into different apps, email services, or social media platforms.

With an API, you can create links with personalized content and track how well they perform. You also get security features and the freedom to customize them.

An API for making short links makes everything smoother, giving you more control and insights over your online communication and marketing. So, let's discover how to create short links using an API and dive into all the benefits you enjoy when using it.

Creating short links through an API can seem daunting, especially if you have little to no knowledge of writing source codes. So, to help you, here’s a simple, five-step guide to creating your own short link via an API.

1. Obtain an API Key

How to Create Short Links via API

Log into your Short.io account to get your API key. Just click on the menu icon at the upper right corner of your Short.io dashboard, click Integrations & API, and then choose CREATE API KEY.

The secret key will then appear in the next window. Don't forget to copy it and keep it in a safe place as you cannot recover it later.

If you don't have a Short.io account yet, don't worry, as you can make one free; no credit card details are required.

2. Write Source Codes

How to Create Short Links via API

You don't have to write the source code from scratch to create short links. You can just copy and paste the code to create a short URL with an auto-generated path from our API guide.

The guide covers several languages, like PHP, Python, C#, Go, and node.js. We also have an API Reference page, where you can get reference codes for your needs.

3. Execute the Code

Run the code, and you'll receive a JSON response containing essential keys like "shortURL" and "idString." You can also visit the API Reference page to run test requests. That way, you can check for errors before implementing it to your page.

Your newly created short link is in the "shortURL" key of the response. Additionally, note the "idString" for future updates or deletions of the URL. 

If you’ve followed all the steps above, then congratulations! You've successfully created a short link via an API. 

Creating short links via our API doesn't just simplify the process. It also unlocks possibilities for personalized content delivery and seamless integration. Now, let's delve into why taking charge of your link creation can be a game-changer, offering you a range of benefits beyond mere convenience.


How to Create Short Links via API

You gain unparalleled control over the entire creation process by crafting your short links through the API. This means you decide how your links look, ensuring they align perfectly with your brand identity. Customization options go beyond just the link itself.  

You can tailor every aspect, from the domain to the path. With this level of control, you can create links that resonate with your audience, reinforcing brand recognition and trust. 

This fine-tuned control also allows you to incorporate specific keywords or campaign identifiers into your links, adding to their relevance. This meticulous customization enhances brand cohesion and boosts the links' visibility and impact across diverse marketing channels. 


How to Create Short Links via API

Imagine the efficiency of creating not just one but numerous short links simultaneously. With API-driven link creation, scalability becomes a reality.  

Most products will require a unique short link when launching a large-scale marketing campaign featuring various products. API-driven link creation allows you to effortlessly scale your efforts, adapting to the increasing number of products and ensuring efficient management of diverse links as your campaign grows. 

This scalability not only optimizes current operations but also future-proofs your link management. As your demands evolve, the API-driven approach ensures continued efficiency, effortlessly adapting to the scope and complexity of your expanding link creation requirements. 

Whether you're managing a large-scale marketing campaign or have many links to generate, automation enables bulk link creation effortlessly. As your needs grow, creating links remains efficient, saving you time and effort. 


How to Create Short Links via API

Security is paramount in the digital world. And with API-generated short links, you benefit from enhanced security features. Our API facilitates secure link creation and management, safeguarding your online assets.  

The utilization of API keys and secret keys gives you more protection, making sure only authorized users can create or modify links. This security framework establishes a trustworthy environment for your online presence. 

Beyond standard security measures, our API offers peace of mind by employing cutting-edge encryption protocols. This ensures secure link creation and management and shields sensitive data, creating a solid defense against potential cyber threats and upholding the integrity of your online assets. 


How to Create Short Links via API

Understanding how your short links perform is critical to optimizing your online strategy. API-driven link creation provides detailed analytics, offering insights into click-through rates, geographic data, and more.  

This data empowers you to make informed decisions, refining your content and marketing approach based on real-time analytics. You can adapt and evolve your link strategy for maximum impact. 

Imagine a scenario where you're running a nationwide online campaign for a product launch. Through API-driven link creation, detailed analytics reveal that most clicks come from urban areas. This relevant data allows you to tailor your content or products to cater to your main audience. 

The data-driven approach ensures that your online strategy is optimized and precisely tailored to your audience's unique patterns and preferences, ultimately leading to a more successful and targeted campaign. 


How to Create Short Links via API

The beauty of API-created short links lies in their seamless integration into various platforms and applications. Whether you're working with email campaigns, social media, or other digital channels, these links can be effortlessly incorporated.  

This integration ensures a cohesive online presence, enhancing user experience and extending the reach of your content. With API-created short links, the possibilities for integration are vast, allowing you to connect with your audience wherever they are. 

An Easier Alternative with Short.io 

Recognizing all the perks of making your own short links with our API not only makes sense but also makes it a more attractive option. However, if you’re still intimidated by creating source codes, Short.io has you covered! 

This easier and faster option is available. Generating links from a mobile app or client-side Javascript is also a great alternative. With Short.io, your comfort and convenience regarding link creation are of utmost importance.  
