5 Things to Do with Short Links on Twitter

Short links are a lifeline on Twitter when it comes to sharing posts. Twitter has a character limit of 280. Instead of relying on a twitter built-in short domain (t.co), you can build short links by yourself. When sharing branded short links, they look attractive, small, and reliable. Moreover, you save characters for expressing thoughts.

Today, on the Short.io blog, we will walk you through 5 methods to apply short links on Twitter.

1. Mention Your Older Posts

The news feeds of Twitter users are endless. To make sure your Twitter followers have noticed your tweet, mention it with a short link in your new publication. Generally, a link to a tweet is long, but with short links, it will look like this: short.link/my-tweet.

2. Direct Visitors to the Twitter Mobile App

Redirect your visitors straight to a particular tweet on the Twitter mobile app with the Short.io mobile links. When sharing a link via SMS or emails, your users will click the link, and if the application is installed, your Twitter post will be opened in the mobile app. That is helpful, as your users are already logged into their accounts, allowing them to comment, share, and like your post immediately.

3. Apply One Short Link For All Social Channels

If you use long links on Twitter, they are automatically changed to t.co links. This is a disadvantage when it comes to adaptable links. When using short-branded links, Twitter won't change it to a t.co one. Leveraging custom URLs is not just useful for brand recognition and character-saving; you can also use the same link for other social platforms.

4. Improve the Link in Your Bio

A link in a bio is the first one the audience sees when visiting your Twitter profile. That is the main reason why a link in your bio should be short, memorable, and attractive. This is the only active URL in your profile description, so make sure to update a long URL with a new destination page. This way, your visitors are always provided with the relevant information.

When commenting on somebody's post, you can use a short-branded link. For example, if you advise a particular item of your e-shop, or just what to share the recommendation of a product that you really love, short links come in handy. The links with the t.co domain look like spam, so a small number of users will click it. Short-branded links, on the contrary, are trusted.


With Short.io short links, track the statistics for redirects and conclude which posts are the most popular among your Twitter followers. Based on the conclusion, you can improve your marketing strategy.

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  • Twitter short links
  • How to use short links on Twitter
  • Share links on Twitter

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