The Importance of Deep Links (and How to Set them Up on Android and iOS)

Although nonexistent four decades ago, there seems to be an app for everything today. From fitness plans to editing pictures, the technology of apps is fast evolving and available in a seemingly endless variety.

If you think about successful and famous brands, they probably have an app. Your local McDonald's or favorite fast-food chain's app is probably even installed on your phone. Apps are a staple on anyone's phone, and they are quickly becoming a necessity.

So how can we take advantage of this growing app market? The answer is deep links.

What Are Deep Links?

Let's say you're online, going through posts when one piques your interest. You click on it to read more, but it's on Facebook, and to read the whole post, you'll have to log in. Because you're extra curious, you decide just to type your username and password.

If you've gone through that minor frustration, then you will probably appreciate a deep link. Simply put, deep links direct users immediately to the installed apps on your phone instead of the browser version.

Deep links will take users to the app after pressing a short link if the mobile app is installed. Otherwise, they are sent to the browser page. You wouldn't have gone through the hassle of logging in with deep links.

Why Do We Like Deep Links?

Most people might think simply typing in a username and password isn't such a hassle, but unfortunately, it usually takes more than that. Depending on how secure your account is, Facebook's tight security will sometimes insist on two-factor authentication.

Also, the chances of remembering your username and password when the app is conveniently always logged on to your phone aren't very high. If you've written it on a note on your phone, then accessing that too is an extra step.

Besides, deep linking is entirely in tune with mobile updates. Why would you have to adjust to the browser version on your mobile phone when there's already a mobile-friendly application installed? You get to scroll through the app with ease.

Deep links are more so appreciated when it comes to advertising and gaining exposure. Think about it. Let's say you're an Instagram or Facebook online seller. You've taken the time, money, and effort to make ads and have them placed on other sites.

However, ads are becoming more rampant. People are exposed to ads almost every day. So, when your ad catches a user's interest, wouldn't that be a victory? Now imagine that curious user is met with the browser version of the app and demands that they log in. Chances are, you've lost a customer.

Plus, for the successful online entrepreneur, deep links will soon be a necessity. When you've grown online, you'd probably have to start selling on large-scale e-commerce companies (Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, etc.) with apps. Another route you could take is to invest in making your apps. Either way, deep links will be a beneficial addition.

This is why deep links are essential; this is why deep links can be our best buddies. The fact that they make redirects to apps so seamless will be a wonderful convenience to your future users. Don't lose exposure or commission to something as trivial (and irritating) as browser hassles.

How to Set Up Deep Links

Honestly, setting up deep links from scratch will be difficult—especially for newbies. Fortunately, link-shortening services make link-related features a breeze to use. Here is a quick tutorial on how to set up deep links on

Note: This is available in the Team Plan.

How to Set Up Deep Links (for iOS):

  1. Open your app in Xcode.
  2. Click on settings by clicking on the name of your app.
  3. Click the "Signing and Capabilities" option.
  4. Place the Team of your Developer Account.
  5. Place your BundleID.
  6. Click on the "+Capability" option and add "Associated Domains".
  7. Type in your short domain in this type of form: applinks:yourshort.domain
  8. Log into your account. (Make sure you have the Team Plan.)
  9. Click on "Deep links" for the short domain you have specified in Xcode.
  10. Add Apple Team Identifier and Apple Bundle Identifier.
  11. Save.

Setting up deep links for Android is also available. However, you will need Android 6.0 or later. Although it only consists of five steps, setting up deep links for Android is arguably more challenging than setting them up for iOS. Nevertheless, here's a quick tutorial.

How to Set Up Deep Links (for Android)

  1. Open the AndroidManifest.xml file you will use.
  2. Place the required intent filters in the manifest.
  3. Log into your account.
  4. Click the "Deep Links" feature.
  5. Place the necessary commands to process deep links in the app.
  6. Run the emulator and click the link you've placed in the AndroidManifest.

You can also refer to our comprehensive guide for creating deep links to help you get the most from this feature.

It is important to note that hiring a tech expert is an acceptable option. If setting up deep links proves too hard for you, then choosing this option may be a wise decision. Using to configure deep linking will be a simple enough task for an expert. Makes Work Shorter and Easier

Deep links are one of the many features has to offer. If you're interested in deep linking, then all the other powerful and useful features will be valuable to your arsenal of online tools. Check out how can be of use to you today.

Keeping up with the App Times

The times are fast approaching and unstoppable. There is no guarantee that today's ways will still be tomorrow's practices. This is why keeping up with the modern era is important. Being flexible to today's way of purchasing, selling, and more may prove to be a huge advantage to your online endeavors.

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