The importance of a slug for short links

What’s the difference between this link “” and this “”. If your answer is that the second variant is more attractive to customers, you are right!

The second link is customized, what means that the slug isn’t random. The slug is a part of a URL, which comes after the domain and a slash. Creating a slug needs following rules, because slug affects link promotion. With the links shortness, customers notice each component (domain and slug) at once. As a result, if the slug carries the information – it will make people click on the shortened branded link.

How to create a right slug?

1. Make a slug benefit.

The slug should carry the main article idea. After the first sight, customers have to understand that it is what they want to click on and read. Thus, create a slug, which tells people about the advantages of the post. For example, if it is a webpage with the discounts for food delivery, create a “discount-pizza” slug, not just simply “delivery”. Thus, instead of copying the name of the site, copy the benefit of the article.

2. Make a slug memorable.

Besides making slug benefit, remember to make it legible and memorable, as it’s the main reason for creating short branded links.

Memorable slugs extend the advantages of short links. Firstly, it will be faster for users to find the link. As a result, sharing links will be easier.
Secondly, it helps to remember a link and its brand, what leads to building the lasting impression.

3. Use appropriate symbols.

There is a range of symbols, which complicates the slug spelling. Simplify the way of writing and users will frequently visit your page.

  • Don’t use capital letters. It makes users click on the extra button. As a result, customers won't waste time on writing complicated URL.
  • Use “-” instead of “_” between two words. For example, the “discount-pizza” slug is created correctly with “-” character. The underscore prevents users from fast slug spelling.


The right slug creation is the last but not least part of creating effective web-page. Think over the content, the header, the image, the domain and then the slug. But don’t miss any opportunity to increase the CRT of the site.

With shortening service, you can easily customize the link at once after its creation.
In case of obstacles, feel free to contact support.

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