How to add Webhook integration

Steps to add Webhook URL and description of output data

Nick avatar
Written by Nick
Updated over a week ago

Webhook is designed to get notifications on clicks for existing short links, with the timestamp and all available visitor data.

Follow the steps below to add Webhook to your short domain:

1. On Dashboard, click Domain Settings

2. Click Tracking

3. Paste your Webhook URL in appropriate field, and click Save Changes

Done! Below you can find the breakdown on output data sent to your Webhook, when click event was detected:

Blue section:

1) Host - IP of visitor

2) Date - Timestamp of click

Red section:

1) Referrer - source of the click

2) Origin - your short domain

3) User-agent - browser fingerprint (useful to identify if clicks was made by human or bots)

4) Path - your short link slug

5) UTMs - utm-tags that were appended to the short link (tags that are added during short link creation, or via UTM Builder on dashboard will be not displayed in webhook output data)

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